Still Standing ...
update! update! Wow the weeks are flying!! In 3 DAYS i will be on a plane to Malaysia and in 3 WEEKS ill be on a plane heading home! OOOHOOO! Yes..April is going to be a happy month! It's all looking good! ;-)
Unbelievable! It's monday again! Last week was pretty stressful. My toilet has been leaking for about a month now and when i told my employers about it they said they would send somebody to check it. Instead of sending a professional they sent one of the school cleaners equipped with a pair of gloves...and guessed it.. instead of fixing it she actually broke a pipe and the situation went from *drip-drip* to *water gushing all over my bathroom floor*! Because it was late afternoon they couldnt find someone to fix it so I had to spend the night mopping my floor. Needless to say i was furious! The next day i went to work - told them i would not go to school until someone fixed it- and went home again!! Of course a plumber showed up at midday.... the joys of blackmail! :-P
Other highlights from last week was a visit to the fun park with Graham. Actually i will use the term "highlight'' lighlty because in reality i was petrified and i have made an oath that i will never do this to myself again! I had never been to a fun park before (except when i was 7yrs old and only allowed on snails and teacups)... so i seriously had no idea what i was in for!! The rides are scary and pretty nauseating!! The whole time i kept thinking ''WHY would anyone do this to themselves?!'' And the worst of them all was one where you sit in a seat and then it slowly goes up to like 15 storeys high and plunges down! I screamed so hard i thought i might cough up my liver. Graham thought it was hilarious..he laughed the whole time...mostly at me! *shame*
Me-Lilly left for malaysia on Saturday so on friday night we had a little farewell dinner at our favourite thai restaurant. I love girly dinners! ;-) I also had a great Sunday lunch with Graham yesterday - very typical chinese food - Dim Sum - which i mentioned another time on my blog. Yesterday after lunch i braved the crowds and visited H&M which just opened in Hk a couple of weeks ago but has been jam-packed with crowds ever since! I needed a couple of tshirts and strappy tops for my holiday so i battled my way around and did some very efficient and cheap shopping! :-)
Beach here i come! :-D
update! update! Wow the weeks are flying!! In 3 DAYS i will be on a plane to Malaysia and in 3 WEEKS ill be on a plane heading home! OOOHOOO! Yes..April is going to be a happy month! It's all looking good! ;-)
Unbelievable! It's monday again! Last week was pretty stressful. My toilet has been leaking for about a month now and when i told my employers about it they said they would send somebody to check it. Instead of sending a professional they sent one of the school cleaners equipped with a pair of gloves...and guessed it.. instead of fixing it she actually broke a pipe and the situation went from *drip-drip* to *water gushing all over my bathroom floor*! Because it was late afternoon they couldnt find someone to fix it so I had to spend the night mopping my floor. Needless to say i was furious! The next day i went to work - told them i would not go to school until someone fixed it- and went home again!! Of course a plumber showed up at midday.... the joys of blackmail! :-P
Other highlights from last week was a visit to the fun park with Graham. Actually i will use the term "highlight'' lighlty because in reality i was petrified and i have made an oath that i will never do this to myself again! I had never been to a fun park before (except when i was 7yrs old and only allowed on snails and teacups)... so i seriously had no idea what i was in for!! The rides are scary and pretty nauseating!! The whole time i kept thinking ''WHY would anyone do this to themselves?!'' And the worst of them all was one where you sit in a seat and then it slowly goes up to like 15 storeys high and plunges down! I screamed so hard i thought i might cough up my liver. Graham thought it was hilarious..he laughed the whole time...mostly at me! *shame*
Me-Lilly left for malaysia on Saturday so on friday night we had a little farewell dinner at our favourite thai restaurant. I love girly dinners! ;-) I also had a great Sunday lunch with Graham yesterday - very typical chinese food - Dim Sum - which i mentioned another time on my blog. Yesterday after lunch i braved the crowds and visited H&M which just opened in Hk a couple of weeks ago but has been jam-packed with crowds ever since! I needed a couple of tshirts and strappy tops for my holiday so i battled my way around and did some very efficient and cheap shopping! :-)
Beach here i come! :-D
At 10:20 AM,
Jola said…
Hey!!! You have my entire sympathy! We also went to a park nearby some months ago and I almost died on that ride you mentioned. I was absolutely sure I was about to die!!! You suddenly hear a click and then it just drops - terrifying!!!!! I don't mind roller coasters but I could never try that one again!
At 3:31 PM,
Pep said…
I'm thinking that ride was the Abyss at Ocean Park which i thought was a bloody great ride. Ocean Park is pretty good fun i think and i preferred it over to Disneyland.
I saw the title of you blog and i cannot help but think you "borrowed" it from the TV show shown on Star World called "Still Standing." It wasn't a bad show actually.
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