I need a minute!!! Gimme a minute to sit down.. take a deep breath..and write this long overdue blog!! I've been on the go for the past 5 days... I'm so tired!
I had such a FABULOUS weekend! It was fun and hectic and I loved every minute of it! It started off FABULOUSLY on friday afternoon when i met up with my lilly in the city and we did some shopping ( i was frantically looking for a dress to wear to prom and lilly saved me from the brink of desperation by finding me a cute sexy black dress... and most importantly..CHEAP!) lol We had a lovely dinner with a nice bottle of wine and chatted for hours, and then roamed the bars a little but opted for an early night.
I had such a FABULOUS weekend! It was fun and hectic and I loved every minute of it! It started off FABULOUSLY on friday afternoon when i met up with my lilly in the city and we did some shopping ( i was frantically looking for a dress to wear to prom and lilly saved me from the brink of desperation by finding me a cute sexy black dress... and most importantly..CHEAP!) lol We had a lovely dinner with a nice bottle of wine and chatted for hours, and then roamed the bars a little but opted for an early night.
Saturday morning i made the long journey to Candace's place and the plan was to do gym together. She called me while i was on my way and the conversation went something along these lines:
SHE: Sooooooooo there's a bodybalance class from 12 to 1, and after i got my personal trainer from 1 to 2, and at 2 there's a body pump class, and maybe after we could do hill training on the threadmill......
ME: Did you have a plate of CRAZY for breakfast?!?!?!
Plans were obviously changed because otherwise i wouldnt be here today to type this post. We limited ourselves to hill training and the bodypump class which was actually torturous and i was taking pleasure from seeing the pain in lilly's face - serves you right you stuck up gym freak!! :P
Prom Prom Prom... I know you are all dying to hear about this! hahahahahaha! Oh it was such a great party! As i suspected most people just dressed nicely but a couple did have funny costumes. They also had Prom King, Prom Prnce, and Prom Princess awards ...all won by boys... mainly because it was a gay party so the boys wanted all the drama-queen attention! ..except that my date won prom PRINCESS which is worth some further investigation!! hahahahaha So the boys had a good time in their tiaras and the club was full and everybody danced and had a great time! Grahams friends were very sweet to me but i did seem to get a couple of icy-stares... i think i have competition...some of the boys wanna get their hands on my hot date!!! Usually women have to worry about other women but it seems like i have to worry about BOTH!! hahahahahaha! I love a good challenge ;-)
Sunday we had a lovely day planned out at one of Hong Kong's neighbouring islands... so i was up early and switched from prom mode to adventure-woman! The island of Cheung Chau is only half an hour away but it seems like a world away from the busy streets of HK. This island is laid-back...jam packed with delicious seafood restaurants..and no cars in sight! Our plan was to kayak and the weather was great and it turned out to be a fantastic day! Courtesy of Candace.. here are a couple of photos to document the day:
Me and lilly getting all cosy on our kayak! Sun ... sea... BLISS!
Me reminiscing our bodypump lesson from the previous day! OUCH!
Our kayak reward .. beer.. fresh calamari.. and more sun!
Can you just leave me here for a few more days!!!
Some typical Cheung Chau sights: old ladies gathering for their early evening gossip! CUTE!
Dim Sum (steamed buns)! Just take your pick!
Fish sitting out to dry!! Chinese obsession! lol
More updates coming soon!!!! .....
At 3:12 PM,
Jola said…
Mart what the hell do you have on your head?? Have you turned Egyptian?
At 4:56 PM,
Petra said…
Nooooo jola...don't you know martine hates WIND IN HER EARS!!!!
I bet that was the reason for that unusual head accessory...am I right lady?
At 2:08 AM,
tsotsa said…
Hahahahahaha no its my tshirt! LOL! I didnt want it to get wet!
:-P nice try Pe!
At 10:19 AM,
cass said…
i had to double check that the funny head piece matched the singlet in ur picture and u are so lucky it did!!!
I hope she was joking about all those classes! newbies to the les mills group fitness classes do tend to get excited though!
ur dates sexuality is highly questionable lily
At 2:19 PM,
Jola said…
I agree Cass!!!! If I translate literally from Maltese: he sounds like a chocolate to me!
At 4:26 PM,
Joyfulone said…
Mmmm... chocolate!
I spent 3.5 hrs at the gym today - I DON'T KNOW WHY IT TAKES ME SO LONG!!!
I did one class (body combat) and weights! WTF???
I guess I just take my time... will I turn all flabby when I go for 2 weeks with no gym in Malaysia?
Tips please!
At 4:37 PM,
tsotsa said…
I beg your pardon!
Trust me he ain't no chocolate!.. he is just goodlooking, well groomed, well dressed.. which in 99% of the cases is gay BUT 1% simply a NICE catch! ;-)
Candace here are your tips for keeping fit during holidays -
- while lying on sunbed lift your head and shoulders to check out cute boys walking along the beach (abs my dear)
- still while lying on sunbed lift your cocktail glass to your mouth and down to the floor (free weights - alternate arms)
...please we are open to more suggestions...
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