Missed me ?
Fine! The strike is officially over! For those of you who DIDNT leave a comment you should know that you are no longer welcome on this site and it is going to take me years and years to get over the heartbreak (unless you make it up to me with cake and flowers..in that case i will get over it!) For those who DID leave a comment....'aaaaw you guuuuys!' .. *tear* !
The last few days have been busy!! Im feeling like i just wanna curl up in bed and do nothing but sleep for a whole bloody day! (which i plan to do next sunday..thats 5 days away!!!..grrr). I had such a fantastic weekend!! On friday i escaped from work early with the excuse that i needed to go to immigration and get my IDcard but actually i had already got that done! *hangs head low in guilt* ... YEAH RIGHT! I met up with my sweet lilly in the epi-centre of HK chaos which is known as causeway bay where i vented about my horrible week of cleaning and did some shopping to cure my depression! I made a quick trip to IKEA where i picked up some bits n pieces for my apartment including a cute pink blanket for my bed and a nice throwover for my couch. Yes ladies and gentlemen...my grotesque apartment is receiving some 5 star treatment!
Friday night we were invited to our friend Darren's housewarming party...which actually was a terrace-on-the-28th-floor-with-fantatic-views-of-hk-housewarming! Me likeeeeey! ;-) And what i liked even more was the amazing barbecue that darren prepared!! A mediterranean girl like me just needs her bbq once in a while! I swear it was delicious! As delicious as the cute boy i picked out from the crowd and chatted with for most of the night! ;-) Cuuute! It was a really great night and i had a great time mingling and meeting people..even though I always end up chatting with my lilly...its like i can't get enough of that bitch! (and the cheese platter)
Saturday is a hazy memory... i spent most of the day lazing on candace's couch and raiding her fridge and cupboard for nibbles (none found!) and tried my best at giving moral support as she headed to her blind date! I headed home and actually found the energy to go out again even though it was just a quiet night at a bar... we had some fun chats though!
On Sunday, much to my complete horror, i had to go to work!!! Our school was taking part in a fun fair held in the area so the english teachers were posted on the 'hand painting' stand. Besides painting butterflies and flowers ad nauseum we also had a laugh at a couple of adults who came to get hand painted! Uuumm hellooooo... this is for the kids!!?! I had a man ask for a teddy bear!! You gotta love them! :-P After school i treated myself to a quiet evening of laundry and takeout noodles.
In fitness related news.. i have joined the fanciest gym ever..and the sweetest thing about it? Its just round the corner from my door!! The place has a zillion threadmills and flat screen tvs along every wall so you can plug your headphones into any machine and watch tv while you workout! Cool! They also have loads of classes! I just got back from a late evening pilates lesson - all lessons are held in english and chinese... which might be an interesting way to learn the language! I'll be saying 'tighten that ass' and 'stretch those legs wide' in no time!! ;-)
Ok now i really gotta get to bed cos i got a spinning class at 7 tomorrow morning!! Call me crazy!
4 days to lilly's birthday!! woooohoooo!
x x x
Fine! The strike is officially over! For those of you who DIDNT leave a comment you should know that you are no longer welcome on this site and it is going to take me years and years to get over the heartbreak (unless you make it up to me with cake and flowers..in that case i will get over it!) For those who DID leave a comment....'aaaaw you guuuuys!' .. *tear* !
The last few days have been busy!! Im feeling like i just wanna curl up in bed and do nothing but sleep for a whole bloody day! (which i plan to do next sunday..thats 5 days away!!!..grrr). I had such a fantastic weekend!! On friday i escaped from work early with the excuse that i needed to go to immigration and get my IDcard but actually i had already got that done! *hangs head low in guilt* ... YEAH RIGHT! I met up with my sweet lilly in the epi-centre of HK chaos which is known as causeway bay where i vented about my horrible week of cleaning and did some shopping to cure my depression! I made a quick trip to IKEA where i picked up some bits n pieces for my apartment including a cute pink blanket for my bed and a nice throwover for my couch. Yes ladies and gentlemen...my grotesque apartment is receiving some 5 star treatment!
Friday night we were invited to our friend Darren's housewarming party...which actually was a terrace-on-the-28th-floor-with-fantatic-views-of-hk-housewarming! Me likeeeeey! ;-) And what i liked even more was the amazing barbecue that darren prepared!! A mediterranean girl like me just needs her bbq once in a while! I swear it was delicious! As delicious as the cute boy i picked out from the crowd and chatted with for most of the night! ;-) Cuuute! It was a really great night and i had a great time mingling and meeting people..even though I always end up chatting with my lilly...its like i can't get enough of that bitch! (and the cheese platter)
Saturday is a hazy memory... i spent most of the day lazing on candace's couch and raiding her fridge and cupboard for nibbles (none found!) and tried my best at giving moral support as she headed to her blind date! I headed home and actually found the energy to go out again even though it was just a quiet night at a bar... we had some fun chats though!
On Sunday, much to my complete horror, i had to go to work!!! Our school was taking part in a fun fair held in the area so the english teachers were posted on the 'hand painting' stand. Besides painting butterflies and flowers ad nauseum we also had a laugh at a couple of adults who came to get hand painted! Uuumm hellooooo... this is for the kids!!?! I had a man ask for a teddy bear!! You gotta love them! :-P After school i treated myself to a quiet evening of laundry and takeout noodles.
In fitness related news.. i have joined the fanciest gym ever..and the sweetest thing about it? Its just round the corner from my door!! The place has a zillion threadmills and flat screen tvs along every wall so you can plug your headphones into any machine and watch tv while you workout! Cool! They also have loads of classes! I just got back from a late evening pilates lesson - all lessons are held in english and chinese... which might be an interesting way to learn the language! I'll be saying 'tighten that ass' and 'stretch those legs wide' in no time!! ;-)
Ok now i really gotta get to bed cos i got a spinning class at 7 tomorrow morning!! Call me crazy!
4 days to lilly's birthday!! woooohoooo!
x x x
At 9:43 PM,
Jola said…
Heyyy!!! Glad u'r no longer on strike!! Hmm I can already imagine you-know-who with a black eye soon :-) What's this about a quick trip to Ikea??? I'm convinced that's not possible - I never manage to do that in under 3 hours!!! And why haven't we seen any pics of the dodgy apartment yet?? I'm dying to see it. Gym? No more pugs on promenade? Are you still running the 6am half-marathon?
At 6:25 AM,
tsotsa said…
Hahahah i know i know..i actually did speed-shopping in IKEA in under an hour! ACtually i couldnt buy too many things cos i got only 2 hands to carry bags home!! But i will be going back this week cos i want to get some more stuff.
Pics of the apartment are coming.. be patient!
No more pugs cos now i've moved from candace and there is no promenade here! :-( And no half marathon cos i didnt have enough time to train (remember i had gastric flu for a whole week!)
That should answer all your questions! :-P
x x x
At 8:00 AM,
cass said…
just dropping in to say hi so i dont fell victimised when you write another mean and nasty blog :)
will the grey ham be @ lilly's birthday?
just polished off a massive block if cadbury crunchie chocolate and it was sooooooooo good!!!
miss you bitch!!
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