Hey You... Yes YOU!
This is a short, polite and personal note to all my readers out there:
It is good manners to leave messages in response to my posts. It is heart breaking when i write a post and get no comments in return. Just think back to the old days when the only means of communication was by post and you would have to write a letter, go to the post office, wait in a line to buy stamps and finally send it off. Alas nowadays it's much simpler so I don't wanna hear any excuses... just click on 'comments' and say 'hello... shutup bitch'!
Now i am very pleased with some of you but some of my other readers behaviour leaves much to be desired. Yes..YOU know who you are. Is this how your parents raised you?? To be silent blog readers??
This is your time for change.
Come out of your shell.
Don't be shy!
It's just a comment.
It will make me happy! :-)
This is a short, polite and personal note to all my readers out there:
It is good manners to leave messages in response to my posts. It is heart breaking when i write a post and get no comments in return. Just think back to the old days when the only means of communication was by post and you would have to write a letter, go to the post office, wait in a line to buy stamps and finally send it off. Alas nowadays it's much simpler so I don't wanna hear any excuses... just click on 'comments' and say 'hello... shutup bitch'!
Now i am very pleased with some of you but some of my other readers behaviour leaves much to be desired. Yes..YOU know who you are. Is this how your parents raised you?? To be silent blog readers??
This is your time for change.
Come out of your shell.
Don't be shy!
It's just a comment.
It will make me happy! :-)
At 10:43 AM,
Petra said…
LOOOooooL!!! Ure a freak...and now I confirm it ta. Why don't you just say that ure having a boring day at work and had nothing to write about in your blog huh!? Hahahahah....Gotchya!
Well...here's a comment to fill up your time: SHUT UP..BITCH!!
MWaha hahaha ha ha ha Love ya ha ha
At 11:00 AM,
Joyfulone said…
You're bossy, Lilly... and you're scaring me!
At 1:06 PM,
Pep said…
Yeah i'm with Petra on this one!
That's comment number 3!!!
She's on a roll ladies and gentlemen
At 10:38 PM,
Jola said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
At 10:39 PM,
Jola said…
Hey!!! Seems like the silent blog readers are still silent!!! I think it has something to do with IT deficiency, they just don't know how to leave a message!!! Must be that! BTW Lilly I have to tell you that yesterday evening I almost broke a dining room chair, I was laughing so much while reading your blog that I just couldnt control my spine! One of these days you should write a book about your adventures, something like Lilly goes to Asia or something of the sort :-)
At 11:05 PM,
cass said…
what message was deleted? was it spam or an explicit post?
well i admit that i am one of those people you were directing that blog at. I am a shit blogger. I read your blog, chuckle to myself and move on without posting. im so ashamed.
So YES drill sargent i promise to be on my best blogger behaviour and post a comment where necessary.
miss you bitch
At 6:06 AM,
tsotsa said…
Oooh i'm so proud of y'all!!!
But still lots of silent readers out there..and BEWARE i will go on a blog-strike if you don't leave a comment!
Go on....
...i'm waiting!
At 8:32 AM,
Unknown said…
Ok. I think you are seriously bored. Or those children got you crazy already. Or the chinese smog got to your head. Or you are simply testing to see if there are enough readers to make the the whole blog effort worth while :)
In any case I sggest you visit the following link, 474 things to do when you're bored.
Amongst others you will find the classic "Save your toenail clippings" - which is likely to be a sport which the previous tenant of your flat would practice. (Check the lower drawers in the kitchen)
As you know I support Jola's suggestion (that's your sistser?) to write the book "Lilly goes to Asia" is fine but you will have to pay me royalties on the use of 'lilly' :P
At 8:56 AM,
cass said…
what makes you think you have that many people silently reading your blog hey??
thats rather smug of you to demand posts from people!
:) miss you bitch!
At 11:48 AM,
Petra said…
WOLLY and FUGGIE!! Hello!? She's referring to you. YOU are the silent bloggers!
Get the hint?
Leave her a msg miskina...she's begging. Mart al xej il botti kollha...u have to be direct with our boys :)
At 8:59 AM,
Pep said…
Gees Wolly and Fuggie this is just like primary school. You two are making the rest of the class suffer by your lack of blogging enthusiasm and the teacher has taken it out on all of us!
For all our sakes start leaving comments!!
At 12:26 PM,
Wol said…
hello hello lady,
i had spent xi 2 weeks looking at that picture of the bulldog and thought you stopped this blogging shit. anyway i went throught the excruciating read of all the ones i missed .haa..and i think we need photos of this apartment ta.... and if you're bored you should buy a rocking chair and start crochet like my nanna, maybe you can replace those green curtains.
ciaw ciaw and see you in april love
At 7:52 PM,
tsotsa said…
Thanks woll! YOu always have the most encouraging words for me ... you thought i stopped my 'blogging shit''?!
I see the love!
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