
I wish you could all see me right now! I've just had dinner and i'm sprawled across my sofa... and i'm pretty sure that if i concentrate hard enough i could sink into it and become part of it.. some weird scientific reaction where body matter becomes fabric and fluff and whatever else a sofa is made of!! Don't worry.. i'm not leaving just yet!
So another week has started and nothing really new is going on! School is ok.. the other teachers are getting used to me and i'm quite friendly with the other foreign teachers. I do nothing in the afternoon which makes the day a bit dragging but i am equipped with a novel and i also have a spanish grammar book so i'm planning to do some studying! On the positive side the staff are pretty relaxed and unlike at my other school where i had to sit in this room and do this and that, at this school nobody seems to care as long as i'm on the premises. I did actually take a nap face down on a table today! hahahahahaha! Its the mid-afternoon daze... i couldnt help it!
Last weekend was so much fun! On friday night i cooked mqarrun for 2 of my colleagues and we had a quiet night in with a bottle of wine and girly chats! It was fun getting to know them! Saturday was my sweet Lilly's birthday and after spending the day running errands and getting my hair done we headed for a fun night on the town. We started off at a nice restaurant called Jaspas which is pretty much Italian food. After that we headed to 'Joyce is not here' where the night got going as more people joined! I was really excited cos I knew my crush was gonna show up i had all these butterfly-stomach feelings!! hahahahaha i was seriously nervous.. i havent had a crush in ageeeees! :-P The night was fun and everyone had a great time... including our birthday girl who was the last to take her party shoes off!! I'm so proud of youuuU! ;-)
In interesting news... im sure you are all eagerly awaiting my return to the rock in a few weeks. I've confirmed my flights and i'll be arriving on Friday 27th April just 2 days before the wedding. I'll be leaving on Sunday 6th May, which means that after all the wedding-pressure is over i'll be hanging around for a whole week! Isn't that great?! :-) I'm so excited! I expect to be welcomed with open arms and be spoilt in the following ways -
Food Food Food ... where can i start... i want maltese bread, gbejniet, zebbug, tadam mqaddet and the works.... Pastizzi ta-martin.... Cuccagna Pizza... A nice dinner with friends.... picnic on the beach..possibly one maltese swim?.... BBQ??? OMG i really have to stop hahahhaha! Oh i also need a driver hehehehhehe... I am currently accepting applications for this position ;-)
And speaking of food... i received the most amazing parcel from my darling sister yesterday... full to the brim with super goodies!! Lots of easter chocolates, twistees!!, salamis and sausages all the way from germany, and these delicious italian biscuttini!! Waaaa im ecstatiC! :-)
Here are some pics from last weekend!
Me, Dom and Birthday Ho!
Me and Shaz!
At 9:24 PM,
Wol said…
hey martinn.....oooooooh im proud you're actually thinking of food(thats so unlike you), i'll be dealing with all that dont worry, and i'll volonteer to be your personal chauffeur for the week too. we can do a good food every night,think you'll be needing it after all the rubbish you've been eating over there exited for your arrival lady... p.s. when u come back i expect some level of fluency in spanish ta... 'mhux daw il flus kollu ghal xejn'..... sorry for not seeing your blog that often lovely off ...ciiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw
At 10:16 PM,
Pep said…
It's great to see that life is working out for you so wonderfully and as i said to you before if your sister's wedding day was like my brothers just on a month ago, it will be one of the happiest days of your life.
At 10:40 PM,
Jola said…
Hey we've planned your Chinese New Year holidays for 2008! 7 February 2008 - Destination Maldives! We're all in!!
At 12:53 PM,
cass said…
I want to go to the Maldives too!!
At 2:51 PM,
tsotsa said…
:-D :-D
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