Masseur Wanted!!
Back from one holiday!..Ready for another!!! The final countdown - in 4 days i'll be on that looong looong flight home to my beloved friends and family. It hasn't quite sunk in yet but i'm sure i'll get more excited about this in the next few days!
My feet are sore from running, blistered from high heels. I pulled a muscle in my back in pilates this week..and i got a sore throat. Life is great!
This week has been a busy one! Got back from Malaysia on Sunday afternoon and before i knew it (or ready for it!) it was Monday morning and i was back at work..back in routine! Quite a shock..not a pleasant day! lol! Strangely enough the week passed quickly and before i knew it the weeked had arrived. On friday evening we decided to binge eat so we went to Triple O's..they serve the most delicious hamburgers and fries and i'm telling you..we stuffed our faces! Saturday was spent window shopping and preparing things for my return home.
Last night we went out for candace's friends birthday - Amanda - who just arrived in Hong Kong. All fair and well but only one problem... My lovely Candace signed us up for a 10km race this morning at 8AM!!! So at 6am our alarm rang and we reluctantly stumbled out of bed so we could be on our way to the other end of hong kong! The race was held at a country club and the place and views are amazing..only one problem... the race course was all hills!!!! and when i mean hills i mean 45degree hills! The majority of runners were stopping to walk cos they were too steep to run up! It was quite a let down but we finished the race anyway... in just under and sweaty, sore and pissed off!! Why does Hk have so many hills! these races are too hard!!! Anyway its getting too hot now so no more races for me now - i'm switching to diving!Lovely! ;-) After the race we made our way home and literally were zombied-out for the rest of the day. We treated ourselves to a thai dinner and now i'm ready for bed!! All i need is a massage and i'm happy!
The next few days will be busy... i wish i didnt leave things for the last minute! Need to start packing my bags and preparing for my trip. I also have a sore throat so i think i should get myself to the doctor to make sure i get this under control before i travel on thursday!
Booo :-(
Candace sent me this cute pic today! Tomorrow i might get hold of some pics of our race! ;-)
Back from one holiday!..Ready for another!!! The final countdown - in 4 days i'll be on that looong looong flight home to my beloved friends and family. It hasn't quite sunk in yet but i'm sure i'll get more excited about this in the next few days!
My feet are sore from running, blistered from high heels. I pulled a muscle in my back in pilates this week..and i got a sore throat. Life is great!
This week has been a busy one! Got back from Malaysia on Sunday afternoon and before i knew it (or ready for it!) it was Monday morning and i was back at work..back in routine! Quite a shock..not a pleasant day! lol! Strangely enough the week passed quickly and before i knew it the weeked had arrived. On friday evening we decided to binge eat so we went to Triple O's..they serve the most delicious hamburgers and fries and i'm telling you..we stuffed our faces! Saturday was spent window shopping and preparing things for my return home.
Last night we went out for candace's friends birthday - Amanda - who just arrived in Hong Kong. All fair and well but only one problem... My lovely Candace signed us up for a 10km race this morning at 8AM!!! So at 6am our alarm rang and we reluctantly stumbled out of bed so we could be on our way to the other end of hong kong! The race was held at a country club and the place and views are amazing..only one problem... the race course was all hills!!!! and when i mean hills i mean 45degree hills! The majority of runners were stopping to walk cos they were too steep to run up! It was quite a let down but we finished the race anyway... in just under and sweaty, sore and pissed off!! Why does Hk have so many hills! these races are too hard!!! Anyway its getting too hot now so no more races for me now - i'm switching to diving!Lovely! ;-) After the race we made our way home and literally were zombied-out for the rest of the day. We treated ourselves to a thai dinner and now i'm ready for bed!! All i need is a massage and i'm happy!
The next few days will be busy... i wish i didnt leave things for the last minute! Need to start packing my bags and preparing for my trip. I also have a sore throat so i think i should get myself to the doctor to make sure i get this under control before i travel on thursday!
Booo :-(
Candace sent me this cute pic today! Tomorrow i might get hold of some pics of our race! ;-)

At 7:46 PM,
Petra said…
You'd better get yourself all healthy and strong coz loads of things are happening when u get be ready for some serious partying girl!
I've personally been awaiting your return to get rid of all my partying energy in your honour...I'm counting the days...-5...
At 2:58 AM,
tsotsa said…
Hmmm.. thats a lot of pressure lady but i will do my best! :-P
I'll stash up on medicines and vitamins so ill be in tip top condition next friday!
Can't wait!! :-)
At 12:55 PM,
Jola said…
Fever is rising here!!! See you soon!!!! xxx
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